Testimonials & Reviews
We've collected some testimonials & Reviews that some of our customers have emailed to us on this page.
We've also put some links to news articles that we're proud of.
If you're a customer and you'd like to leave us a review, we'd really really appreciate it. We're a small family business, and your reviews make a huge difference to us!
You can view or leave reviews for us at:
Or email us at hello@ejartcreative.co.uk and we'll add your review to this page.
News Articles
East Anglian Daily Times: 'Dream come true' craft studio where you can try pottery, papercraft and more
Vanilla Magazine: EJaRt Creative-Gallery Shop, Studio and Showcase
Customer Testimonials & Reviews
From the Needle-felting 3D Baubles Workshop...
"Thanks for an excellent workshop yesterday which I enjoyed very much. Hope to sign up for another in the new year."
From the Papercutting Decorative Baubles Workshop...
"For someone in their 70s, I found the course interesting and relaxing. There was a lot of inspirational material available and all the papers were homemade with beautiful colour and texture combinations. There was plenty of help and advice on hand. I needed more time! I will be back!"
From the Needle-felting 3D Spring Chickens Workshop...
"My sister and I attended the 3D felting session today, what a joy! Annie was perfect, kind, attentive, and creative. We had such a laugh making our creatures weird and wonderful!" Lovely setting too.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please Contact Us and we will do our best to source it for you.